Saturday, July 28, 2012

Google Fiber!!

     What's up internet land?!! So, you think your internet connection is fast??? Well, think again. The fastest  internet service I have personally had ever has been 20 MBps (Megabytes per second) download and 1 MBps upload and so far its been great! It does just about everything I currently need to do as I browse the internet. To put Google's new service into perspective.....1,000 MBps download and 1,000 MBps upload or more appropriately 1 GBps (Gigabytes per second)  is what Google Fiber will bring to the internet dinner table. Google has just recently introduced Google Fiber and plans to roll this service out to a neighborhood near you! If you don't know your current download and upload speeds,....go ahead and check out the Speed Tester (right click and open link in new window) and then post your speeds below in the comments section!


     This is awesome, because I get to be a witness again of the evolution of the internet! I had my first internet experience back in 1998 when "dial-up" was the most common way to get online. Back then, you had to make sure no one was using the phone or had plans to use the phone or hoped and prayed that no one was going to call you while you were online because you would lose your connection to the internet. America Online (AOL) was my service provider at that time and you had to install the service to your computer using a cd rom and even that was slow compared to today's standards. Streaming was unheard of and watching video's Youtube style style......fuhgettaboutit!!! My connection was capable of 56 KBps which converted to MBps would be 0.056 MBps..... not very fast at all! I think you get the idea.


    Google Fiber provides all you can eat, Ultra high speed internet, High Definition TV service, and a Nexus 7 Tablet as your new remote control!!...Cool!!! If you want more information on how you can get Google Fiber,....gather a bunch of your friends, family, and neighbors so that you can turn your neighborhood into a "Fiberhood". Don't forget to post your current speeds below!! Do you already have Google Fiber?....tell me about it below!

You can also share this on Google+, Tweet it, or Like this on Facebook!! Check out 1 Gigabyte too!


1 comment:

  1. This is how your comments will look. Easy, Breezey, Cheesey, Weezy, Feezy!!!
